
Token Allocation


Noncirculating - 24%

Liquidity - 5.1%

PublicSale - 12.7%

Airdrop - 50.6%

Insiders - 7.7%


Noncirculating - 20.2%

Liquidity - 4%

PublicSale - 10.1%

Airdrop - 40.4%

Insiders - 25.3%

Upcoming Events

13.58%405 days ago
Airdrop-10% 1b Launchpool-2.5% 250m Market Makers-0.5% 50m Immediate Needs-0.5% 50m DAO-0.082% 8.21m


550M of Team allocation has been excluded from this analysis since at the time of writing (20 May '24) the rate of spend was 0.

Team and DAO Hot Wallet schedules have been extrapolated based on their rate of spend as of 20 May '24.

No vesting schedule has been given for Mercurial Stakeholders, so in this analysis we have assumed an instant unlock.